Have I told you how often we meet,
In dissolved dreams of early dawn ...
Last night for instance -
The part where we sat side by side,
In that slow-moving tram car,
On cobbled streets of Karlsruhe,
And you smiled -
As if,
Just for me ;
As if,
You were that friend you never were ;
As if,
We would grow up together,
Sharing books, songs, long walks.
Have I told you that's where, that's how -
We meet ever so often...
Last night for instance -
The part where you touched my verses,
Albeit from a distance,
And depths stirred yet again
Like an incurable fever,
As if,
You still are a part of one of my worlds ;
As if,
You know the journey I am beginning to make ;
As if,
You are the traveler I could've never met.