Sunday, July 08, 2012

Moments. Montage.


Beautiful words that are verities.
They could be yours forever affectionately. They also bring peace if you stop the combats and let them touch your skin without being afraid anymore. Ask them to be phrases in your weekend poetry. And do remember to weave them together with your favourite things.

*     This weekend, I again danced my Bharatnatyam for 2 hours with Guruji – knees and muscles ached but the body with its spirit rejoiced so; I smiled and I laughed and I lived. Someone said, in life, there is always room to dance again.
*     And I bathed and brushed and fed and snuggled and cuddled my baby. We bought a mini alarm clock and a Pooh pencil box and took an auto and a bus ride and carried our bus tickets home. Yes we sat by the window. :)
*     And then I cooked – creating the wafting smells and sounds and sights of food and spices and oil and broth, the heady feeling of the concoction that is life. Alive. Alive!
*     And then I painted while I sang and the music played. I painted urgent and intoxicated, sweeping brushes with undiluted colours. Warm and solid colours that could be felt when on paper. I drew a black and red storm silhouette. When done, it read “DWANDO”. 
      Would you know an English word for it?