Wednesday, December 14, 2016

The Promenade

We meet again
At a sunrise dawn.

The night before, all night before -
I sat alone
Half on boulders, half at sea,
With fragments of me,
And some unwritten poetry.

A quiet wind. A quiet sea.
The promenade stretched to eternity.
Till end of night,
The amber lights
Dissolved and melted
Inside of me.

As darkness fades at distant rocks
I see you, traveler,
Take form out of the morning mist...
Your eyes at sea
Turn knowingly,
And you walk up...
Up to me.

We meet again
At a dreamless dawn,
With a silent sun,
Exchange a holding, halting glance -
And seem to see,
The journeys we made separately.

Before we part, you speak to me -
"Have an ask of you ...
Give me a verse, your deepest blue".