Sunday, May 06, 2007

Life... came one day.

One day,

You came wafting in the wind like distant music,
Lingered on the moment like quiet poetry,
Blazed and stirred me like forgotten passion,
Stole for me the naive green of the unseasoned meadows,
Aroused my soul like it were a thirsting body,
Exalted my body like it were a long-bound soul,
Lifted me nimbly, brought me to your lips,
During dark, deep nights and warm forenoons,
Walked through the grass hand in hand,
Talked to me beside a silent evening fire –

Talked to me like a river and a sea,
In words I tasted, bathed and touched.
And then,

I slept.

Against your body, and the quiet of your soul
With your poetry caressing mine.
